The Smith Center is decked with Christmas wreaths, trees, and door decorations. First United Methodist gave several beautiful poinsettias, some for the residential homes and the Center. It has been really cold and windy outside, but the Center is full of warmth and cheer. Individuals are excited about the season and the various activities here at the Center.
On December the 6th one of our parents, Linda Cooper, came with a few friends and helped our folks make ornaments. Trees, wreaths, icicles, and candy canes now adorn the tree in our dining hall. We thank these ladies for being so generous with their time and talents. Our individuals were so proud of their handiwork. They will take these ornaments home with them on 23rd to put on their trees at home.
On Tuesday, the 14th, the 2nd graders from Prattville Christian Academy came and sang several Christmas songs for all of us. What a joy to have these precious children come and share their Christmas spirit with us. They also brought Christmas cards that they had made to share with the Center. There are some very talented artists in this group. We so appreciate them coming to sing for us. They were so well behaved and their smiles and energy were contagious.
As I was typing this post a mother and son from Boy Scout Troop 25 brought in a big box of mixed fruit. Some kind person had purchased the box and gave instructions for it to be given to a charitable group. Yeah, fruit will be given out tomorrow to all who want it.
The 15th and 16th will be busy as our classes go shopping for gifts to exchange with each other. Also, on the 16th Pastor Crockett from The Church of Living Water will speak at a spiritual luncheon here. On the 17th the Civitans will bring goodies for individuals and staff. The Prattville Service League has provided goody bags for each participant and these will be given out soon.
Pictures about some of these activities below. Check the blog again on the 23rd for more activities.
Below are pictures of the December Birthday party and ornament making:
Below are pictures of some individuals and of PCA 2nd grade singers:
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